We are really excited for this week. We want to make it a truly family affair, so wish for sunny skies between 3 & 7PM this Tuesday. We have some great market day additions – including a face painter & materials for kids to explore the market through a scavenger hunt. We hope the hunt will encourage the younger attendees to ask farmers questions & learn about the wonderful Ontario goodies on offer.
Cabbagetopwn ReLEAF will be helping us to care for the beautiful trees of Riverdale Park with ongoing mulching workshops. Find them near the organizers table and take part in learning about the importance of mulch & how to properly care for the trees, because all they need is love and mulch!
For everyone interested in relaxing and rejuvenating yoga in the park we are very happy to offer yoga outdoors. The wonderful Jennifer Snowdon will be teaching a pay what you can class at 5PM. Please bring your mats.
The musical group this week hails from the Regent Park CRC organization that also runs the Community Food Centre. We are so happy to be connecting with our neighbours & bringing a band to the market!
Fresh This Week
Keep your weekly menu fresh with a variety of beets, rhubarb, peaches, zucchini, onions & garlic.
Kick up your summer eats with a scotch bonnet pepper from Organic Vibes.
Haystrom Farm will be bringing heirloom & cherry tomatoes and multi-coloured peppers.
Murray’s Farm also has some colourful & funky-shaped heirloom potatoes.
Earth + City will have blueberry macaroons for August only and a refreshingly sweet blueberry & beet lemonade!
This week ONLY Southbrook Vineyards will be selling organic, demeter and biodynamic certified wines from their Niagara vineyard.